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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: The long feared civil war seems to have already broken out in Afghanistan, and it threatens to get messy

The long feared civil war seems to have already broken out in Afghanistan, and it threatens to get messy

As violence in Afghanistan spirals even while the foreign troops head out, serious questions are being…
Publication: Pakistan’s rapid descent into a vassal of China and its complicity in the atrocities against the Uyghurs

Pakistan’s rapid descent into a vassal of China and its complicity in the atrocities against the Uyghurs

Islamabad has no hesitation in giving China the clean chit in Xinjiang, which in turn translates into…
Publication: Hamid Mir’s removal from Geo News has damaged Pakistani society and the Military Establishment more

Hamid Mir’s removal from Geo News has damaged Pakistani society and the Military Establishment more

Nowhere as markedly as in Pakistan, the tendency towards absolute silencing of dissenting voices, especially…
Publication: The international community must do more in Myanmar to avoid being disregarded as powerless and inconsequential

The international community must do more in Myanmar to avoid being disregarded as powerless and inconsequential

Myanmar, since the 1 February coup, has provided a compelling opportunity for the UN and the international…
Publication: The end of armed insurgency may be nigh in India's Assam

The end of armed insurgency may be nigh in India's Assam

The announcement of a ceasefire has ignited hopes of an eventual end to the violent insurgency waged…
Publication: Violent attacks in Afghanistan and the Maldives threaten nascent advancements on human rights and democracy

Violent attacks in Afghanistan and the Maldives threaten nascent advancements on human rights and democracy

In an era of eroding adherence to democratic practices and slackening respect for human rights, last…
Publication: The European Parliament resolution denouncing the deplorable state of human rights in Pakistan was overdue

The European Parliament resolution denouncing the deplorable state of human rights in Pakistan was overdue

Expressing “deep concern” at the prevailing anti-French sentiment in Pakistan, the resolution referred…
Publication: India’s COVID-19 crisis and some of its international dimensions

India’s COVID-19 crisis and some of its international dimensions

The daily number of infections and deaths has been well over 300,000 and 2000 respectively for the last…