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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: Afghanistan: President Trump’s abrupt withdrawal plan has muddied the waters

Afghanistan: President Trump’s abrupt withdrawal plan has muddied the waters

President Donald Trump reportedly instructed the Pentagon to draw up plans to pull out about half of…
Publication: Pakistan: A call to the UN Secretary-General even as mainstreaming of UN-designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed gathers pace

Pakistan: A call to the UN Secretary-General even as mainstreaming of UN-designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed gathers pace

Two revealing incidents have once again shown up Pakistan’s ceaseless underhand efforts at mainstreaming…
Publication: Political and constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka unveils Beijing’s presumptuous appetite for control

Political and constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka unveils Beijing’s presumptuous appetite for control

It is crucial to observe the pivotal role of Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court, which it played in this political…
Publication: Intended US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty): Security threat to the world

Intended US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty): Security threat to the world

In October 2018, US President Donald Trump, announced his intention to withdraw from the INF Treaty,…
Publication: Kartarpur corridor raises hopes of India-Pakistan thaw, but Terrorism still remains the primary issue

Kartarpur corridor raises hopes of India-Pakistan thaw, but Terrorism still remains the primary issue

The decision to open the Kartarpur corridor taken by India and Pakistan last week represents a welcome…
Publication: Attack on Chinese Consulate in Karachi: Wake-up call for Pakistan and China to address grievances of the Baloch

Attack on Chinese Consulate in Karachi: Wake-up call for Pakistan and China to address grievances of the Baloch

In an attack on the Chinese Consulate in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, three armed assailants of…
Publication: Amritsar terrorist attack: Pakistan’s desperation to revive militancy in Punjab, India

Amritsar terrorist attack: Pakistan’s desperation to revive militancy in Punjab, India

The Amritsar attack occurred just a few days after Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat cautioned that…
Publication: The Moscow Format for Afghan reconciliation: The perspicuity of the Taliban’s demands is not matched by those of its interlocutors

The Moscow Format for Afghan reconciliation: The perspicuity of the Taliban’s demands is not matched by those of its interlocutors

The Kremlin organized a significant meeting of what has come to be termed as the Moscow Format of engagement…