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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: Two contrasting incidents in Assam reveal the current reality in the once restive state

Two contrasting incidents in Assam reveal the current reality in the once restive state

Six militants belonging to the hard-line faction of the outlawed Assamese insurgent outfit ULFA-I on…
Publication: EU Election Observation Mission and Oxford University release critical reports on Pakistan

EU Election Observation Mission and Oxford University release critical reports on Pakistan

The report of the EU EOM is a scathing attack on the way the elections were conducted, and is particularly…
Publication: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan prioritizes doles over Human Rights

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan prioritizes doles over Human Rights

Imran Khan's greenness in politics and governance had been exposed soon after he assumed office in August…
Publication: China’s perversion of 'Consensus' displays its abject disregard for a Rule-Based International Order

China’s perversion of 'Consensus' displays its abject disregard for a Rule-Based International Order

Two statements by the Chinese government in the last few days have brought to the fore the country’s…
Publication: Pakistan’s flimsy claims at UNGA and conflicting actions back home

Pakistan’s flimsy claims at UNGA and conflicting actions back home

Qureshi’s speech at the UNGA proved to be a glaring exercise of diplomatic rhetoric when he was asked…
Publication: Elections in Maldives – Setback for Beijing’s imperialism

Elections in Maldives – Setback for Beijing’s imperialism

Ibrahim Mohamed Solih overwhelmingly won the majority vote over the incumbent President Abdulla Yameen…
Publication: Nawaz Sharif’s release has queered the pitch for the Military Establishment and PM Imran Khan

Nawaz Sharif’s release has queered the pitch for the Military Establishment and PM Imran Khan

Nawaz Sharif’s release from prison at this juncture does raise the question of why the establishment…
Publication: Pakistan’s New Government: Rapidly losing credibility

Pakistan’s New Government: Rapidly losing credibility

The new Pakistani government has displayed an acute lack of astuteness in its first few months, whether…