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EFSAS Commentary

EFSAS Commentary


Weekly analytical commentary - EFSAS Commentary -  by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) on news, current affairs and political developments in South Asia.  

Publication: Rise of Jihadism in educational establishments in South Asia & the West

Rise of Jihadism in educational establishments in South Asia & the West

The association of many educated young people with violent extremist outfits in recent years, has deflated…
Publication: Afghanistan; A battleground again?

Afghanistan; A battleground again?

A suicide bomb attack on a Shiite Cultural Centre in Kabul on the 28th of December 2017, killed at least…
Publication: Protests in Gilgit Baltistan against illegal taxations

Protests in Gilgit Baltistan against illegal taxations

A large number of traders, transporters and thousands of common residents of Gilgit Baltistan launched…
Publication: Violence in Jammu & Kashmir; Convergence of strategic interests

Violence in Jammu & Kashmir; Convergence of strategic interests

Flowing from this scenario, Indian Administered Jammu & Kashmir will have to brace itself for an increase…
Publication: New York attack and the South Asian connection

New York attack and the South Asian connection

The attacker of the attack on New York City subway transit hub on the 11th of December 2017, was originally…
Publication: Cracks appear in CPEC as China 'temporarily' halts funding

Cracks appear in CPEC as China 'temporarily' halts funding

Despite all the speculation regarding corruption in the Pakistani Government, it seems that China’s decision…
Dr. Adam Aitken - EFSAS

Lashkar-e-Taiba Chief, Hafiz Saeed's release and political mainstreaming

Pakistan’s dangerous ‘good terrorist, bad terrorist’ game once again came to the surface with the recent…