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Publication: Speech of Mr. Burzine Waghmar (EFSAS Fellow) at Royal Asiatic Society, London

Speech of Mr. Burzine Waghmar (EFSAS Fellow) at Royal Asiatic Society, London

Mr. Burzine Waghmar spoke about the geo-political impacts of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, while…
Publication: Speech of Dr. Troy Sternberg (Oxford University) at Royal Asiatic Society, London

Speech of Dr. Troy Sternberg (Oxford University) at Royal Asiatic Society, London

Dr. Troy Sternberg, Research Fellow in the School of Geography at the University of Oxford discussed…
Publication: Speech of Dr. Filippo Boni at Royal Asiatic Society, London

Speech of Dr. Filippo Boni at Royal Asiatic Society, London

Dr. Filippo Boni of the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the University of…
Publication: Dr. Shabir Choudhry (South Asia Watch) speaking at Royal Asiatic Society, London

Dr. Shabir Choudhry (South Asia Watch) speaking at Royal Asiatic Society, London

Dr. Shabir Choudhry, Chairman South Asia Watch, speaking about the economical aspect and the hidden strategic…

Seminar in Oxford University on Indo-Pak cooperation and peace in South Asia

Mr. Junaid Qureshi, Director EFSAS, shared his views at a Conference titled, 'Indo-Pak Cooperation: The…

Panel Discussion in King's College, London - 'Kashmir, through my lens'

Mr. Junaid Qureshi, Director EFSAS, participated in a Panel Discussion held at King's College, London.…

SAATH Forum, London October 2017: ‘Pakistan: The Way Forward’

Ms. Yoana Barakova, Research Analyst EFSAS, participated and represented EFSAS during a Conference, ‘Pakistan:…

Conference by EFSAS' partners (ATA) and meeting in Brussels

EFSAS attends a Conference in The EU Parliament organized by its partners, Atlantic Treaty Association…