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EFSAS Session at International Conference on Global Organized Crime 2022

14-10-2022, Amsterdam

On October 14, the Center for Information and Research on Organized Crime (CIROC), the Standing Group on Organized Crime (ECPR-SGOC), the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime (IASOC), and the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) organized the third edition of the 24H Conference on Global Organized Crime, bringing together more than 300 speakers from 45 countries to discuss the latest research on developments in the field of global organized crime. Around 80 sessions covered a wide range of issues, with topics ranging from cybercrime to various forms of trafficking.


EFSAS speaking at the panel session focusing on “Illicit economies and (in)security in South Asia”.


In 2021, EFSAS participated in the 24H Conference with a focus on drug economies in South Asia. Moderated by EFSAS Research Analyst Aaron Magunna, EFSAS’ 2022 contribution to the event was titled “Illicit economies and (in)security in South Asia”. Ms. Yoana Barakova discussed civilian and military patronage networks in Pakistan while Ms. Anne Heckendorff focused on the role of the illicit drug economy in the funding frameworks for regional militant organizations. Lastly, Ms. Siosi Tameifuna examined the prospects of crop development strategies in Afghanistan, specifically in terms of alleviating farmers’ dependency on poppy cultivation. The presentations were followed up by discussions between the panelists and questions from the audience, sparking a conversation on the role of extra-regional actors and the implications of corruption within the region.


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