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Jamil Maqsood (Journalist and Human Rights Activist at EU Parliament) speaking during EFSAS Conference at VU Amsterdam

1 & 2 November 2022 - VU University Amsterdam

Mr. Jamil Maqsood, Journalist, Human Rights Activist at EU Parliament, and representative of International Human Rights Council - Hong Kong, spoke on the historical origins of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). Beginning in 1846 when J&K’s special status with the British Raj was first established, Mr. Maqsood traced the subsequent four rulers who significantly shaped J&K as well as a number of crucial turning points like Operation Gulmarg in 1947 and concluded with insight into the international community’s perspective on the violations made by Pakistan.

Jamil Maqsood - Journalist, Human Rights Activist at EU Parliament, and representative of International Human Rights Council - Hong Kong speaking during EFSAS Conference at VU Amsterdam.


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