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Publications - Articles

Publication: Climate Change In South Asia: The cases of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India

Climate Change In South Asia: The cases of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India

High-polluting countries such as the United States, China, and the European Union suffer the effects…
Publication: Challenges of RMB Internationalization: Insights from the NDB and the AIIB

Challenges of RMB Internationalization: Insights from the NDB and the AIIB

Although MDBs have helped to promote the usage of the RMB in cross-border transactions involving China,…
Publication: China’s push for Renminbi internationalization | Policies and limitations

China’s push for Renminbi internationalization | Policies and limitations

China has been actively promoting the international usage, or internationalization, of its currency,…
Publication: Ten Years of Belt-and-Road: Chinese Takeover or Road to Nowhere?

Ten Years of Belt-and-Road: Chinese Takeover or Road to Nowhere?

From the start, the BRI was viewed critically by a range of actors suspicious of China’s motivations...
Publication: Afghanistan’s prospects for 2023 - Article by Mr. Tim Foxley

Afghanistan’s prospects for 2023 - Article by Mr. Tim Foxley

Although widespread fighting has demonstrably stopped, other indicators suggest that societal problems…
Publication: Energy Transitions and Geopolitics in South Asia: The Contest for Hydro-Hegemony on the Brahmaputra

Energy Transitions and Geopolitics in South Asia: The Contest for Hydro-Hegemony on the Brahmaputra

The interlinkages between the energy transition and the contest for political power are particularly…
Publication: December has come to embody the issues facing Taliban rule in Afghanistan

December has come to embody the issues facing Taliban rule in Afghanistan

ISKP has maintained its challenge to the regime throughout 2022 via attacks on Taliban infrastructure…
Publication: The Securitization of Education in Afghanistan

The Securitization of Education in Afghanistan

Trajectories of public and private education in Afghanistan and its gendered impacts...