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Publications - Articles

Publication: Cybersecurity Governance in South Asia: India and Pakistan

Cybersecurity Governance in South Asia: India and Pakistan

Governments have increasingly seen ICT as a strategic asset for national security and as a battlefield…
Publication: It has always been time to listen to Afghan women

It has always been time to listen to Afghan women

The peace negotiations in Doha failed to secure guarantees concerning women’s rights, despite the fact…
Publication: Future of State institutions in Afghanistan: An interview with Mr. Mahmoud Saikal, former Afghan Diplomat to the UN

Future of State institutions in Afghanistan: An interview with Mr. Mahmoud Saikal, former Afghan Diplomat to the UN

With very small exceptions, the large portion of institutions will be unable to function effectively…
Publication: Building the State? Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2021

Building the State? Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2021

Following the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 under codename Operation Enduring Freedom, SSR immediately…
Publication: One Year After the Myanmar Coup: Taking Stock

One Year After the Myanmar Coup: Taking Stock

In hindsight, the events of February 2021 should not have been all that surprising as Myanmar, for most…
Publication: The Haqqani Network: A brief profile

The Haqqani Network: A brief profile

How did a militant network located in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) persist over…
Publication: The water mustn’t boil at the right temperature: China’s influence in Afghanistan

The water mustn’t boil at the right temperature: China’s influence in Afghanistan

As China wades optimistically and expectantly into highly turbulent Afghan waters, it needs to be fully…
Publication: How the illicit drug industry in Afghanistan strengthens the Taliban and weakens the West

How the illicit drug industry in Afghanistan strengthens the Taliban and weakens the West

Considering the embeddedness of the drug industry into the workings of the Taliban, the present shift…