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Publications - Articles

Publication: Friends, Foes and Future of ISIS in South Asia

Friends, Foes and Future of ISIS in South Asia

ISIS has succeeded in spreading its ideological tentacles to every corner of the world- including South…
Publication: What direction for Afghanistan? Possible scenarios

What direction for Afghanistan? Possible scenarios

It still seems that, despite the optimism generated by the commencement of face to face talks between…
Publication: 'The Resistance Front': Old Wine in a New Bottle

'The Resistance Front': Old Wine in a New Bottle

The TRF first came to the attention of intelligence officials shortly after the nullification of Article…
Publication: The Scramble for Rakhine

The Scramble for Rakhine

The Arakanese are Buddhists like the Burmese, however, they invoke their unique history, language and…
Publication: Islamist Terrorism and ‘Feminist’ Narratives: The Case of Dukhtaran-e-Millat

Islamist Terrorism and ‘Feminist’ Narratives: The Case of Dukhtaran-e-Millat

Dukhtaran-e-Millat has played a pivotal role in supporting violent religious extremism while simultaneously…
Publication: Maoists, Urban Naxals, China and COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities

Maoists, Urban Naxals, China and COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities

India’s fight against the Maoist insurgency, including the Urban Naxals and the exploitation of the government’s…
Publication: The case of Arif Shahid reflects the misleading Human Rights narrative on J&K

The case of Arif Shahid reflects the misleading Human Rights narrative on J&K

Arif Shahid was as much a social worker as he was a politician, and the stellar and selfless work that…
Publication: The Maldives’ Foreign Fighter Phenomenon - Theories and Perspectives

The Maldives’ Foreign Fighter Phenomenon - Theories and Perspectives

The Maldives has become the country with the highest rate of foreign fighters per capita in the world,…